How to Install Plesk Control Panel on Linux

how to install Plesk Control Panel in simple manner without any headache.

Step 1: Getting OS Name with Version and Architecture run the command as
uname -i
The Above command will show you OS bit version in bellow manner

For 32Bit OS Output will be

For 64Bit OS Output will be

Now for getting OS Name and Version of CentOS we need to run the command as
cat /etc/redhat-release

The above command will give you output as
CentOS release 5.7 (Final)

Step 2: Install Redhat/CentOS Dependency through yum by running the command

yum -y update

Step 3: Run the following 3 commands, to check if Apache, PHP & MySQL are preinstalled by the OS
rpm -qa | grep -i http
rpm -qa | grep -i php
rpm -qa | grep -i mysql

Step 4: If above Applocation that is Apache, PHP & MySQL installed then remove them by running the command as
yum remove http*
yum remove php*
yum remove mysql*

Step 5: Check SELinux status
To Check Run:

The Output will be

"Disabled" or "Not enforcing"

To Disable ( If Enabled or enforced ) Run:
setenforce 0

Step 6: Changing the directory for installation of plesk run the command as
mkdir /root/plesk
cd /root/plesk

Step 7: Install Plesk 10.3 by running bellow command
wget -O - | sh

Now wait till Installation is not completed and in the mean time take a cup of tea and once installation is completed run the bellow command to Open Plesk Port that is 8443 through Iptables firewall

iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 8443 -j ACCEPT

Step 8: Reseting of Plesk password as default password is not working after installation

A. Change the Directory by running command
cd /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/

B. Then assign your new password for user admin by running command
export PSA_PASSWORD='newpass'
Note: Replace newpass with any strong password example: U12Bn@3jK

C. You can check the password by running command as
Output will be:
Your password here the output will be U12Bn@3jK

D. Now we need to run last command to work the password and the command is


Step 9: Now we will open Plesk with SSL port as
Now login with your login information as follows:
Username: admin
Password: newpass
Note: Replace newpass with any strong password example: U12Bn@3jK or yours

In this tutorial we have successfully installed plesk
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