CentOS 6.3 on Microsoft Hyper-V Server with Linux Integration Services 3.4

Step by Step install of CentOS 6.3 on Microsoft Hyper-V Server with Linux Integration Services Version 3.4

Create new VHD w/ Legacy Network Adapter for CentOS 6.3

Download CentOS 6.3-minimal.iso (insert disk & install)

Download LinuxICv34.iso (insert disk)

mount /dev/cdrom /media

Oops, we got the following error:

ls: cannot access kmod-hyper-v-rhel6-43.1.x86_64.rpm: no such file or directory
ls: cannot access hyper-v-rhel6-43.1.x86_64.rpm: no such file or directory
RPM’s are missing

But I know they are not missing, just I can’t execute them due to directory permissions.
There is one additional step to install Linux Integration Services v3.2 on CentOS 6.3.

chmod 777 /media

Correction! Please use the following if the above doesn’t work for you.

mount /dev/cdrom /media
mkdir /home/LIC
cp /media/* /home/LIC
cd /home/LIC/
Oops, we got the following error:
install.sh command not found
well if you are in the right directory and "./
" does not work, 
you may have to type "sh 
". if that doesn't work then try "sh ./

OR this.

cd /media/RHEL63
sh install.sh

Once the install is done, shutdown the VPS, note the mac address and then remove the legacy adapter.

Add a standard network adapter with static mac previously noted. apply and restart the VPS

Update your network settings via vi

 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

use "i" to insert text, (esc) to exit and ":wq" to write your changes.

IT should look something like this:





 HWADDR=(MAC ADDRESS, This should match what is configured in Hyper-V)





If your system is still not online for static IP do this:


 ifconfig eth0 (IP) (MASK) up

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